Tag Archives: Sick

In Sickness and in Health: Day 19

Sick. Bleh. That basically describes my current status. I wish I was still eight years old and could miss a day of school and have almost no work to catch up on in my absence. Unfortunately, the years seem to have caught up to me and that option is no longer possible. See, when you’re sick as a kid, it’s almost like a vacation. For an hour and a half, it’s the best thing in the world: no school, unlimited TV and saltine crackers. Then after about the fourth item comes up on QVC, at 10:45 in the morning, your life looks rather depressing.

I had a similar experience to that today. Although, both school and work were there to so kindly break up the monotony. I come home this evening and of course, Netflix is acting up. I had only two choices that decided they would play: “Locked Up Abroad”, or “Aziz Ansari: Dangerously Delicious”. Me being me, I chose the latter. Partly because I don’t like watching depressing stories about people just trying to enjoy a vacation in a country they probably shouldn’t be in anyway (deep breath), and partly because I’m a big Aziz Ansari fan. To be honest, though, 20 minutes into the show staring at the bottom of an empty Mac and Cheese microwavable bowl (don’t judge me, I’m sick), I began to feel “locked up”. I get antsy when I’m not being productive. I always feel like there’s something I’m forgetting and I should be doing something. So here I sit: sick, “locked up”, and trying to be productive.

I’m using it as an opportunity to 1. make a pun on my upcoming marriage, and 2. because there’s something to be learned from being sick. A lot of times, we are left wondering whether or not we should workout on a given day. Half of the time, when I don’t want to work out, I go out anyway and am glad I did after I’m done. Should you force yourself to run when you’re sick, though? A general rule of thumb presented in The Non Runner’s Marathon Trainer, is if the “sickness” is above the neck, go for it. Below? Hold off. Why? Well, typically ailments like a sore throat, headache, or a stuffy nose, will not be worsened by exercise. Problems below the neck, such as chest cold, vomiting, or if you find yourself running to the bathroom every so often, can be made worse through exercise. As I said, this is only a general rule and you should make your own judgments as to your current condition, but it has served me well in the past.

As for my condition? I’ve got the usual cold symptoms: congestion, achey-ness, and the general desire to do nothing, but eat Goldfish and Ginger-ale. So I’ll be lacing up and hitting the road once The Fiancee returns to rescue me from my Benadryl-induced stupor. Should anything happen, fear not, I received my Road ID today (sorry, had to do it). Stay safe out there, everyone.

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